:: 9-26-2002 ::
one more time, one more version, get 0.4.6 and you'll get comment support (as in <!-- comment -->) and some other misc stuff. later
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 9-21-2002 ::
just some quickies to remind you we're still alive ;) our other project,
had it's second alpha release this week with a lot of new stuff! I made myself some time and finally got my
personal homepage up,
go check it out if u don't have anything better to do :P
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 9-14-2002 ::
hi again, a bug slipped in today's version. it's already fixed and version 0.4.5
is out without it...
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 9-14-2002 ::
long time no see.. well we added empty tags support
(ie <tag att='value'/>) and fixed a very *ugly* bug
that didn't allow the parser to process nested tags with
the same name. So go get 0.4.4. see u
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 9-9-2002 ::
bug fix time, 0.4.3 is out. Problems fixed in attribute parsing and StringUtil methods.
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 9-5-2002 ::
Just in case you haven't done it yet, you *must* check out our new project, koaLaGML. Ever wanted to code a GUI as easy as you write a JSP page, here is your answer. koaLaGML generates GUIs from XML documents, with a syntax very similar to JSP/ASP/PHP pages and all the must-have features (session beans, custom imports, embedded code for events, and more)... just go and take a look!
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 9-2-2002 ::
New version out, 0.4.2. Some handy methods for handling attributes were added and some small bugs were fixed.
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 8-30-2002 ::
Minor features update (0.4.1) in scriptlet handling, and a couple of bug fixes in attribute getters.
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 8-24-2002 ::
Brand new version out! (0.4.0). We added a *lot* of utility classes, you can find a short description in the source changelog.
But just to tempt you, you get a web hit counter, encryption support, mailing capabilities, simple disk logging, and more...
You will need the activation and mail JARs from SUN
if you want to use MailUtil class, and Cryptix32 JAR if you need Encryption support. Your DBMS JDBC driver will come handy if you plan to use the DBUtil class.
All new classes are JUnit tested, but *please* report any bugs.
JavaDoc isn't complete yet, but something is better than anything ;)
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 8-20-2002 ::
Hope u like our new style ;)
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 8-19-2002 ::
No, we're not dead, just been a little busy with other projects (trying to make some $$$). So we made an effort and here you have version 0.3.1, FULL scriptlet support. You can put *anything* you want between <% and %> except themselves of course and it will work just fine ;). Ideal to parse JSP or ASP like code. Enjoy and download!
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 7-30-2002 ::
So, rollback on that scriptlet support, it wasn't that nice after all... We better re-engineer the whole api *grin*. Now you have iteration methods to access siblings, root tag support, and a complete brand new JavaDoc. Get the new version here as usual.
Get the sources and check out the example to get a glimpse of the new features.
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 7-26-2002 ::
New and exclusive feature coming soon, we're adding scriptlet support for next version, meaning you will get to parse JSP/ASP like XML (documents/strings that have <% and %> sorrounded values). Coming soon...
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 7-26-2002 ::
There are times when u want to code as the UML gods want you to, so here we present a cleanup version. Minor performance boosts and some code cleanup, we changed the ArrayList-HashList combo for a LinkedHashMap (new to jdk1.4) object (*nice*). Get it here.
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 7-22-2002 ::
We're on fire now ;), full attribute support, fixed a couple of bugs and added nice and perty indented toString() output,get version 0.2.0 NOW.
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 7-20-2002 ::
First version is here (0.1.0), download it NOW. It supports nested tags, all kinds of values (int, double, long, GregorianCalendar and more) support, and great date handling. JavaDoc coming soon, but go ahead and give it a try now, u'll be amazed how easy it's to use ;)
Here's a simple example on how to parse/modify/print some data:
import org.koala.koalaxml.*;
* @author rzuasti
public class Example {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String text = "<TagA>value of tagA</TagA><TagB><TagC>value of tagC</TagC></TagB>";
// to parse it and create an XML object out of the text
XML xml = new XML(text);
// first lets add a new tag
xml.setValueString("NewTag", "value of new tag");
// now lets print the xml
catch (XMLParseException xpe){
It should print: <TagA>value of tagA</TagA><TagB><TagC>value of tagC</TagC></TagB><NewTag>value of new tag</NewTag>
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 7-18-2002 ::
Ok, we defined the complete public API for the first version, now we just have to code it ;)... The first version will support normal tags like in <tag>value</tag> and nested tags (no level constraints). It will also support tag attributes (like in <tag attribute=attValue>value</tag>). You can download the skeleton classes from the CVS, JavaDoc coming soon. And by the way we tweaked and cleaned the website.. hope u like the developer-nerd-i cant design style
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com
:: 7-15-2002 ::
KoaLa XML takes off today... hope it gets to something ;)
:: rzuasti@koaladev.com